Apr 17, 2024
Subaru Loves The Earth

Mid Hudson Subaru is more than just a car dealership; it’s a champion for the environment. Inspired by Subaru’s commitment to sustainability, Mid Hudson Subaru is dedicated to making a positive impact on the planet. This is all part of our Subaru Love Promise.

At Mid Hudson Subaru, the philosophy of “Subaru Loves the Earth” isn’t just a tagline; it’s a way of life. Inspired by Subaru’s corporate commitment to environmental stewardship, our dealership goes above and beyond to integrate eco-conscious practices into every aspect of our operations. But our commitment extends far beyond the walls of our dealership; it’s woven into the fabric of our community engagement and outreach efforts.

One of the cornerstones of Mid Hudson Subaru’s environmental initiatives is our partnership with local organizations dedicated to conservation and environmental protection. Through events and collaborations, we raise awareness about pressing environmental issues and support initiatives aimed at preserving the natural beauty of the Hudson Valley.

But perhaps what sets Mid Hudson Subaru apart is our innovative approach to sustainable transportation solutions. As a Subaru dealership, we are at the forefront of promoting fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles, but our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop there.

In addition to promoting sustainable transportation, Mid Hudson Subaru is also dedicated to reducing waste and minimizing our environmental impact. Through initiatives like paperless billing and recycling programs, we are continuously seeking ways to operate more sustainably.

Shop Mid Hudson Subaru

Whether you’re in the market for a new vehicle or simply looking for ways to reduce your environmental footprint, Mid Hudson Subaru is more than just a dealership; it’s a beacon of sustainability in the Hudson Valley, proving that businesses can thrive while also doing their part to protect the planet we call home.