Apr 11, 2024

Your pets are a crucial part of your family! Whether you have cats, dogs, goats or any other animal, you want to ensure they’re safe when traveling. While some pets love to travel, others may find it to be a stressful experience. Mid-Hudson Subaru has a few tips to ensure a safe vacation for everyone. 

Tips for Car Rides with Pets

Whether it’s necessity or strictly for pleasure, you’ll want to take a few extra steps to prepare for your pet’s needs along the way. Each trip, no matter how long or short, will require some forethought. Don’t assume you’ll be able to get everything you need along the way. Discover the top tips for traveling with pets below.

Prepare for a Car Trip with Your Pet 

You want to prepare yourself, your car, and your pet for your upcoming trip. Prepare yourself for the trip by setting realistic expectations. Don’t plan on driving long distances without stopping for plenty of bathroom breaks. This will of course add time to your trips. Having an understanding that trips may take longer with pets can avoid stress in the future.

You can prepare your car by installing seat covers, harness clips, and floor covers to increase your pet’s comfort during a ride. These items may also help protect your vehicle from wear and tear. 

Prepare your pet for your trip by taking short trips around town, gradually increasing the time and length of the trip. Discovering your dog gets car sick would put a damper on any long-haul trip! 

Safety Tips for Traveling with Pets

There are several things to consider for your pet’s safety when traveling: 

  • Temperatures inside cars can be dangerous for your pet when outdoor temps are above 70°F or below 35°F. It’s best to never leave them alone in a car. 
  • Keep your pet restrained during car rides. It can be a distraction to the driver for pets to be roaming freely, and dangerous for pets in the event of a crash. Airbags can particularly be dangerous for pets, so it’s best to keep them in a crate or other carrier (that has been buckled in!) in the back seat.
  • Make sure your pet is microchipped and the contact information is up to date. If you get separated in an unfamiliar area, a local vet’s office or shelter can scan for chips and get in contact with you.
  • Don’t let your dog ride with his or her head out the window. This is incredibly dangerous for your pet. They run the risk of being thrown from the car in the event of a crash or being struck by a passing object.

Caring for Your Pet While on a Trip

While on a trip, try to keep things as close to what your pet experiences at home. If they are used to eating one particular kind of food, bring enough of it with you or be able to purchase the same brand along the way. This can prevent upset stomachs. Similarly, bring enough bottled water for your pet, as drinking from unfamiliar sources can introduce unfamiliar bacteria and other particles.

Mid Hudson Subaru: We Love Your Pets! 

At Mid-Hudson Subaru, we want to get you in a vehicle that fits your family’s needs, including those of your furry friends! Our team is dedicated to getting you into a vehicle that fits your budget and long checklist of wants. Start by shopping online today.