Nov 15, 2023

Subaru has always been synonymous with durability, reliability, and the love of adventure. Aiming to enhance the driving experience further, Subaru introduces the STARLINK®  system. At Mid-Hudson Subaru, we encourage you to learn about all the benefits of the system.

What Is Subaru STARLINK® 

STARLINK® is a powerful technology that promises to bring unparalleled safety, entertainment, and convenience directly to your car’s dashboard. It’s not only meant to be a feature in the vehicle; it’s meant to be a dependable companion, making every journey seamless, secure, and enjoyable.


STARLINK®  is filled with excellent entertainment features. It gives easy access to a wide range of music, podcasts, and radios. With the help of technologies like Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto, it connects your smartphone to your car to improve your driving experience. In some models, there’s also a helpful navigation system created with TomTom that provides accurate maps and traffic details to help drivers find their way easily.

Safety and Security

STARLINK®  makes safety and security a top priority in Subaru vehicles. It’s always alert, ensuring that the car remains a safe place. If there’s an accident, the Automatic Collision Notification feature quickly contacts emergency services. Drivers can also easily ask for help by pressing a button using the SOS Emergency Assistance feature. STARLINK offers Enhanced Roadside Assistance for unexpected issues like a flat tire or dead battery. Additionally, if the car is stolen, STARLINK®  helps in tracking and recovering it, keeping your Subaru secure at all times.

Connected Services

STARLINK offers Subaru owners a variety of convenient connected services. It allows owners to start the engine and adjust the car’s climate remotely, making the car comfortable before they even get in. Owners can also lock or unlock the doors using a smartphone app, giving them more control over their car. Additionally, STARLINK®  has a smart alert system that keeps the owner updated about the car’s condition, security, and maintenance needs.

Wi-Fi Capability

Subaru’s STARLINK®  system has a built-in Wi-Fi hotspot that keeps everyone in the car connected to the internet during a journey. This means passengers can easily use the internet for things like watching movies, listening to music, browsing, or checking emails while traveling. The strong Wi-Fi connection makes sure that passengers can do what they need online without any trouble. This feature makes traveling more fun and convenient, as passengers can stay entertained and get things done on the go. Subaru’s STARLINK®  makes the time spent in the car more enjoyable and productive.

Customization and Subscription

Subaru’s STARLINK®  technology is not just about the multitude of features it offers but also about the freedom it gives to car owners to personalize their driving experience. Subaru understands that every driver is unique and has different needs and preferences when it comes to technology in the car. That’s why they offer various subscription plans, allowing drivers to choose the services that best fit their lifestyle and needs.

Through customizable subscription plans, Subaru ensures that the STARLINK®  technology is adaptable and flexible, meeting the individual requirements of each driver. It’s not just a static technology; instead, it evolves with the driver’s needs, ensuring that everyone gets the most out of their driving experience. In this way, Subaru STARLINK®  is more than just a tech feature; it’s a reliable and personalized co-pilot that makes every journey more enjoyable and convenient.

Look Forward To STARLINK® 

Subaru’s STARLINK®  is an advanced technology system that brings many useful features together to make driving better and safer. It has entertainment options, safety features, security services, internet connection, and more, making sure that every trip is convenient, protected, and full of innovation. STARLINK®  makes Subaru cars more than just vehicles, turning them into smart, connected partners that make every journey special. At Mid-Hudson Subaru, we have a variety of vehicles available with the STARLINK® technology.